(Sponsored by Sree Saraswathi Educational Society)
Approved by PCI, New Delhi, Recognised by Govt. of A.P. Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu
Recognised U/S 2(f) 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956
6.2.2 (2): Annual e-governance report.
6.3.2 (7): Audited Statement by highlighting the financial support for the last five years.
6.3.3 (7): Brochures and Reports of all the organised FDPs and ATPs during the assessment period.
6.3.3 (9): Certified list of non-teaching staff during the last five years.
6.5.2 (2): Academic & Administrative Audit.
6.5.2 (4): Feedback collected and Analysis and Action taken place.
6.5.2 (5): List of collaborations with other Institutions along with their e-copies.