(Sponsored by Sree Saraswathi Educational Society)
Approved by PCI, New Delhi, Recognised by Govt. of A.P. Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu
Recognised U/S 2(f) 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956
The mission of Pharmaceutical Analysis department is to give the students, extensive and varied scientific background, and a rewarding and challenging program of study.
Pharmaceutical Analysis department of PRRMCP aims to develop highly competent, professional, expert pharmacist with ample scientific background that contributes to the new drug development through Chemical Research.
List of Equipments
Arsenic Limit Test Apparatus
Conductivity meter
Digital pH meter
Distillation Unit
Fume hued
High sensitivity Electronic balance
Hot air oven
Hot Plate
Magnetic Stirrers with Thermostat
Mechanical stirrer
Melting point apparatus
Microwave oven
Muffle furnace
Nessler’s Cylinders
Paper Electrophoresis apparatus
Probe Sonicator
Rotary Flash Evaporator
Suction pumps
UV Visible Spectrophotometer
Vacuum filter
Ongoing Activities
The Pharmaceutical Analysis department is concerned with teaching the undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of
Chemistry of natural and synthetic products
Drug analytical techniques for identification
Drug design & Discovery
Drug metabolism and molecular toxicology
Medicinal chemistry
Molecular Modelling
Organic synthesis of medicinal and pharmaceutical agents
Peptide Chemistry
Quantification of impurities and instrumental techniques
Structure Activity Relationship
The study given by the Pharmaceutical Analysis department to both undergraduate and postgraduate students is a part of a programme that offer to the community professional pharmacists and talented innovative researchers that may help in the discovery and development of new drugs that will enrich the pharmaceutical industry in India.