(Sponsored by Sree Saraswathi Educational Society)

Approved by PCI, New Delhi, Recognised by Govt. of A.P. Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu

Recognised U/S 2(f) 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956

Course duration


The Pharmacy graduates are required to learn and acquire adequate knowledge, necessary skills to practice the profession of pharmacy. The graduate should have thorough knowledge of synthesis & analysis of medicinal agents, their mode and mechanism of action, drug interactions, patient counselling and adequate technical information to be exchanged with the physician and other health professionals. The graduates are required to acquire in depth knowledge of formulation, quality assurance and storage of various pharmaceutical dosage forms including herbal medicines. The graduates should also understand the concept of community pharmacy and be able to participate in health care programmes of Government and private sector. They are also required to detail the physicians and market the medicinal agents for diagnosis, prevention and therapeutic purposes. The graduate pharmacist should also act as bridge between the Physician and Patients for achieving better health of community.

Course Title: Bachelor of Pharmacy

Abbreviation: B. Pharm.

Medium of Instruction & Examination: English

Type of Course: A four year degree course divided into eight Semesters.

Pattern: Semester.

Number of Years and Semester: Four Years divided into eight semesters with two semesters per year.


Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in India is offered as post graduate course after completion of B.Pharm degree. The M.Pharm course is normally of two years duration. The Post graduates in Pharmacy is of different specialization like Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacy practice, Pharmaceutical chemistry, etc.. The discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers systematic education on procurement, synthesis and formulation, standardization and marketing of Medicines. With invention & discoveries of new drug molecules pharmacy has grown enormously and the subject has developed into a multidisciplinary science.

Course Title: Master of Pharmacy

Abbreviation: M.Pharm.

Medium of Instruction & Examination: English

Type of Course: A Two year Post graduate degree course divided into four Semesters.

Pattern: Semester.

Number of Years and Semester: Two Years divided into four semesters with two semesters per year.