(Sponsored by Sree Saraswathi Educational Society)
Approved by PCI, New Delhi, Recognised by Govt. of A.P. Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu
Recognised U/S 2(f) 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956
7.1.2 (1): Geo-Tagged Photographs.
7.1.2 (3): MoUs for e-waste Management.
7.1.2 (4): Circulars for No Entry of Automobiles and Ban of Use of Plastic.
7.1.3 (1): Policy for Energy Utilization and Environment.
7.1.3 (2): Green Audit Report.
7.1.3 (3): Environment Audit Report.
7.1.3 (4): Energy Audit Report.
7.1.3 (5): Documents related to Clean and Green Campus Initiatives.
7.1.3 (6): Report on Clean and Green Campus Initiatives.
7.1.3 (7): Documents relate to Environment Promotion Activities beyond Campus.